Are You Tired of Paying For Continuing Education? Then Don’t!

Are You Tired of Paying For Continuing Education? Then Don’t!

We all have been through it. You are working over-time; you have got your family, and just don’t have time to make it to those continuing education(C.E.) dinners anymore. In addition, the last thing you want to do is pay for your C.E. once have worked hard to complete it. As a pharmacist I have been down that same road before.

If you are tired of paying for your C.E., I recommend this is what you do. Try searching online for sponsored C.E. that has already been purchased for you. Here is how it works. Many companies in the healthcare industry are more than happy to pay for your hours in return for the fact that you just acknowledged that they had done so. There are many places on the web to shop around for free continuing education. Just type in “sponsored CE for pharmacists” or “free CE for pharmacists” and you will find accredited CE for pharmacists at no cost with little effort. What a deal! This is consistent among many supported sites on the web directed towards pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.

I am a big fan of career related necessities that are already paid for, and I’m sure all of you would agree with me. Even if you are not a pharmacist and need to complete C.E. to continue your licensure, listen to me. Save yourself the hassle of writing checks or punching in credit card numbers. Save your money! Free hours are only a tap away on the keyboard!

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