How A Training Provider Can Offer Quality Service In Continuing Education

How A Training Provider Can Offer Quality Service In Continuing Education

The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. The market place dynamics are changing and the customer has evolved over time. In the past the market place had less players and there was limited competition. The customer was more trusting and not choosy. But things have changed, the market place is increasingly fragmented and more competitive. The customer is more knowledgeable and demands a higher level of value from service providers.

Today, competition for adult returners, people needing retraining and updating and school-leavers has changed things. Spoiled for choice and with expectations of a better deal than was offered in the past these customers are now in a position to force the pace for change. The necessity to react quickly and favorably to inquiries from prospective customers and then to meet their needs with quality service creates an urgent requirement for increased responsiveness and improved efficiency as a pre-requisite for survival.

As a training supplier, you can do the following things in order to meet the needs of your customers.

First, as a supplier you need to review the market by contacting people in public places, support and referral agencies, employers and other businesses and finding out their training requirements.

Secondly, the supplier needs to prepare training and developing learning opportunities to meet the demand led needs of individuals and groups such as returners to education and people seeking professional and commercial updating and retraining.

Thirdly, he should develop a customer service center staffed with qualified people experienced in handling initial inquiries. Then, introduce an appointment system for people seeking advice, guidance and counseling.

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Fourthly, the supplier needs to utilize testimonials and success stories reported by former learners. These tell how the provider helped individuals achieve their targets and gain competencies needed to get where they are today within their chosen occupational area.

Fifthly, to better serve adult learners and those with special learning difficulties and other special needs,the training supplier should work with customers and help them to make important decisions about their training and education.

Finally, the supplier should improve communications between trainers and support staff. Instill an awareness in all staff of the content of others jobs and the problems these people solve or overcome.

In the long run, it is the satisfying learning experience that will bring people back again and again to take continuing education courses from the training provider.