Continuing Education Can Create New Opportunities

Continuing Education Can Create New Opportunities

Furthering your education can certainly open new doors in a variety of different ways. Studies show, the individuals with more education typically make more money. For instance, if you selected a sample size of individuals with a bachelor’s degree and compared their salaries to a sample size of individuals with a master’s degree; we should see that the majority of the students who completed a master’s degree have a significantly higher overall salary. Of course, this is not always the case. If someone only has three years of work experience and an MBA, they may not make as much as someone with a B.A. but has 25 years of work experience. Every industry is a little different.

Overall, if you compare two individuals with the same skill set, the one with the highest degree awarded will typically get the position. Education is very important to most corporations. They truly value the hard work an individual puts in to complete a degree. Depending on the subject matter, many degrees help the individual perform better on a day to day basis. This positively impacts the performance of the overall organization. The more employees with advanced degree, the more efficient the organization can be. Many times an employer will help pay for their employee’s tuition. This is a huge bonus for employees. Educational cost rises every year, so a discounted degree is very important when an individual is deciding to accept an offer or not.

Once you receive your advanced degree you have some options. Should you stay with your current company and try to advance within your department? Or, should you start sending out your resume and see if you can get an offer from another company? This is usually a very tough decision to make. The economy, job outlook, and pay increase are all factors when deciding what to do. Is the economy booming? Are there other jobs available? Is there room for advancement in your current company? And of course, one of the most important factors is how much more money can you make working for a different company. Overall, if the company you currently work for is able to compensate you and challenge you the majority of people would probably stay. However, if that is not the case one would understandably look for a different opportunity. One of the main reasons an individual seeks employment elsewhere is their relationship with their direct supervisor.

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