Working Moms Stress Management Tip – Online Tutoring Benefits

Working Moms can benefit from Online Tutoring
Online tutoring provides students with a one-on-one learning experience that your child may not have in class and the tutor will even stay with you until they are sure you understand what you have learned.
By using an online tutoring service, you save time, money and aggravation. Sometimes I find helping with homework to be frustrating because I am not sure whether or not I am explaining it clearly enough for a child’s perspective. Also, it can cause stress between the parent and the child because of other life situations. Therefore, using tutors can provide a clear, unbiased way for your child to learn.
It is very interactive. To begin with you must be clear and concise with your question. This requires that you must be able to focus and organize your thoughts. Once you are connected to the tutor online and explain your question. You will learn by listening, doing and observing. All of these skills utilize various learning styles which is important for learning retention.
Sometimes kids are labeled as being unable to be taught. The real problem could be that the teacher or teaches one way and is not using the appropriate tools for their particular learning style. A teacher is not just someone at school, the word teacher also refers to parent. Not using the appropriate learning style to engage a person, whether it is an adult or child is a major source of miscommunication. It is the equivalent to speaking greek to someone you know who only speaks and understands English. Imagine how many kids are diagnosed as ADD or simply can’t learn because their teacher is only teaching according to her own learning style. This means only the kids with the same learning style as the teacher has a chance to learn.
I used online tutoring as part of a summer enrichment curriculum. It had a positive impact on my child. The only time he made any gripes about doing any work was when I told him to do math instead of reading or vice versa, if he wanted to do the other one more. In 6 months, I was able to move his scores up 2 grade levels.
Bringing online tutoring into your home is a rewarding experience. It is the most effective use of time and money for education. The benefits extend far beyond the classroom because it helps you communicate better.

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