Ways of Fighting the Plagiarism in the Urdu Literature

The Urdu language started from poetry. In the beginning there were no novels in the Urdu language however soon the trend of novels and short story writing picked up in Urdu language. So in fact, the Urdu literature started off at a very good base. Both the poetry and the prose were well received by the masses as it used to stimulate the minds intellectually.
As with any other literature the Urdu literature too continued to evolve. The evolution is a test of the health of any literature and the Urdu literature successfully passed this test. The Urdu language has always been fortunate enough to have extremely good writers and poets on board.
However there is one acute problem which can sap the vitality of the Urdu literature. This problem is the plagiarism in the Urdu literature. Unfortunately the plagiarism in the Urdu literature is much more than the literature of other languages. There are several reasons for this trend. The main reason is the lack of ethical awareness among the masses and publishers desire to make money through the wrong means.
The following are the some ways through which the plagiarism in the Urdu literature can be fought and be eventually eradicated.
Passing and implementing strict copyright laws and punishments
If we see the developed nations in this regard, we would immediately notice about their strict copyright laws and policies. It is because the governments of these nations deeply respect their artists, poets and the authors.
Introducing strict punishments for people who plagiarize stuff is the right way to deal with this problem.
Cooperation of different countries, especially India and Pakistan
The Urdu speaking communities are all over the world. Most of the literature activities are going on I India, Pakistan, U.K and the Middle East. Sometimes the publishers lift the intellectual property of a person residing in a different country and publish it with a different name. The original author does not know what to do about it. This practice is very common between the people of India and Pakistan. Both countries do not respect each other right in this regard. The need of the time is that these countries should cooperate with each other to fight the plagiarism.
Creating awareness among the masses
The people of the subcontinent too are not much aware of the terms, “artists’ rights” or the ‘intellectual property’. So they do not know how to respect it. Public awareness must be created in the subcontinent, so that people stop buying plagiarized Urdu books. This trend would discourage the publishers who publish plagiarized books.
Controlling the price of the original books
Sometimes the extremely high prices of the books by the original authors push people to look for the copied versions. Many people are aware that it is plagiarism and it is wrong but they say that they cannot afford buying original Urdu books. There must be a price control authority for the books of Urdu literature to keep the prices in check.

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