5 Important Child Education for Their Future

5 Important Child Education for Their Future

Many things must be prepared to provide a good future for children. Since the baby, you may be accustomed to preparing various material needs for him. However, after the age of five, something that is just as important as material needs emerges, namely mental child education.

Not a few parents think that education begins when children start entering the community, for example when they start entering pre-school or kindergarten. In fact, children’s education begins when they begin to learn to understand the world, starting from the family. As your child gets older, your job as a parent gets more complex. Come on, pay attention and do the following five important children’s education for the future of the baby!

Self -Understanding

Values ​​such as perseverance, focus, self-confidence, courage, and understanding are part of understanding who a child is. This child’s education about self-understanding takes place since he was born. Through the surrounding environment, children learn by seeing their parents and siblings.

Children learn perseverance by seeing how their parents are diligent in doing something. Children learn to be brave and confident from the attention and support of their parents. The habit of focusing on what is being done is also obtained from his interactions with parents.

As children grow up, start kindergarten, then elementary school, parents begin to be able to teach self-understanding in theory along with its direct application. Giving freedom but being monitored will really help children to grow confidence and courage in trying new things, exploring new areas, and finding what they are passionate about. Things like this strengthen the formation of a child’s self-understanding that makes him strong when he grows up.

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Moral Education

Moral education for children is important to develop good character in the future. always help children to get used to being honest. Give understanding if honesty is a value that he must hold at all times for his own good and the common good.

Help your child always find ways to stay honest and practice justice. Teach him to apologize if he is wrong. Help your child do something about his/her mistake, whether it’s to correct it, or make up for it in some other way. This will foster a strong concept of justice for him.

Keep in mind that no matter what education your child teaches, setting an example is the best way to get your child to understand and do what you teach. You as a parent must also apply the values ​​you teach. A good environment will shape the child into a good person.

Cognitive Ability for Child Education

One day, you will let your child live independently. Educate your child with basic life skills or basic skills in living life, it is important to make him survive and complete the challenges of everyday life. The earlier you teach your child, the sooner he will be able to adapt in life and achieve his goals to the fullest.

Teaching children to have a strong determination when they get hit by an obstacle while doing something is sometimes not easy. You need to be careful not to compliment too easily. If what your child is doing doesn’t deserve praise, gently say that it wasn’t good and that your child needs to improve if he wants to be praised.

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Problem-solving or the ability to solve problems is also one of the important points of child education that should not be missed. As early as possible, you need to teach him to think critically, observe, analyze, think out-of-the-box and be able to find solutions to the problems he is facing. This ability is crucial in an increasingly competitive world.

Children’s Intelligence for Child Education (Hard Skills)

It is no secret that nowadays, intelligence will help children to get a better life. Therefore, it introduces children to knowledge about nature, the ability to calculate, and theoretical abilities. The problem is, parents sometimes find it difficult to determine at what age children should be introduced to these things.

For best results, you can find out from the child himself. If he seems to be curious about letters, teach him letters and read. If he likes to count, teach him to count. But remember, there is no need to force the child if he is not yet of school age. However, if the child has an interest, he may indeed have more ability in that field.

So, instead of waiting for their children to be taught in school, parents need to be responsive to teach their children’s education related to intelligence as early as possible. Of course the method must be adjusted to his age and interests.

For example, if a child likes to count when he is three years old, it does not mean that he must be taught to write numbers and then learn to count with a book and pencil. Let the child learn to count the cake or the object he is holding. This will help her learn to feel happy, not discouraged from having to count with numbers and books when she was a child.

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Social Skill for Child Education

Humans are social creatures who can grow well through interaction with others. Teach children to have empathy for others. Encourage children to think about other people’s feelings. Little by little he will learn that his actions can make other people happy or sad.

Give your child love so that he can grow up with a big heart. Show acts of love to all family members. Cultivate warm hugs and kisses for children, so he learns to respect his family. Gradually, you will learn to respect others. This is the first step for children to learn to work together and communicate well.

Having good social skills to communicate and cooperate with others is a great provision for a child’s future. Children’s chances of surviving and becoming successful in adulthood are also influenced by their social abilities. With these abilities, children can achieve a good life with the people around them. In fact, children have the opportunity to accomplish great things together.

Watching children grow up is everyone’s dream. Therefore, you need to make an effort to prepare for a good future with him. One of them is savings for children’s education funds.

Children’s education funds are very important to ease the burden of children’s education costs when children need it. The cost of education will continue to increase as inflation continues to rise. By preparing a children’s education fund, you can also invest to fight inflation, and even get other benefits according to the education fund program you choose.

Also prepare health insurance early on, to help you in difficult times when you are sick. Do not let unpreparedness make the future that you have arranged with your family to be messy, as a result, your children will suffer too.